Thursday, July 24, 2008

Florida here we come!

So everyone has been on me to get a blog started before we head off to Florida.  We loaded up our house into the truck yesterday and as of tomorrow Jake and my Dad will be on the road, but as for me and Addi we don't leave till wednesday morning.  So i'm sure I will have more to share with everyone when we get there.


Kristi said...

Hot diggity! You're a blogger...a lousy one, but still one! Just kidding...I helped you set it if it's lousy, I'm to blame, but it's not, it's magnificent, or something equivalent, like just all right...oh my gosh, I have been around your husband WAY too long!

Ray and Donna Hamblin said...

Hooray for Tanessa (& Kristi, the helper). I love the pic's -- I can never get enough of my sweet grandkids and great-grandkids.
We love you Addi and Tessy and Jake. Be safe in your travels and adventure and keep us posted. Or blogged, or something like that. . . . .
Grandma Hamblin

Katie said...

YAY! I'm so glad you're a blogger now. I'm excited to see how things go in Florida 'cause we're gonna miss you guys a ton! We'll have to come see you sometime because I'm sure that blogs and pictures won't be enough. Well, see ya later.

Trisha said...

I'm excited that we can stay in touch. I will see more now than before so it won't even seem like you moved except when we come home to visit. I hope you guys don't fall in love with Florida and stay there because that is a long ways away!