Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Disney World and Family!!

So my Mom and Dad and also my sister Trisha and her family came to visit me last weekend and go to Disney World. Jake and I have been in Orlando for almost a year and this was our first time going to Disney World and it was awesome! We all just thought that Addi would be so shy around all the Disney Characters, but she really wasn't she just thought that it was soo neat and she just kept begging to go find Mickey Mouse.
Her Daddy even let her go see the Princesses. Even though her dad has never let me get the movies for her the second we walked into that room Addi turned to me and said "mommy that's Cinderella!" I laughed so hard, her daddy tried to keep it from her but some how she still learned about those princesses!

And finally after a long, long wait we got to see Mickey and Minnie Mouse. It was well worth the wait to see Addi little eyes beam at Mickey Mouse. It was like a star struck baby she was a little nervous at the first but she got so excited really quick!

The boys got a little bored waiting for the Parade and Fireworks to start.

Addi sure does love her Grandpa Brent. He was such a sport to hold her on his shoulders so she could see the parade.
All in all I think we had a pretty fun time and it was so much fun to have my family here to visit!


Ray and Donna Hamblin said...

GREAT PICTURES!! Looks like you had a FUN, FUN time. So glad your family got to come for a visit -- they said the had a wonderful time. But, we're glad you let your Mom and Dad leave so they could come and visit us. They are here now and Jaron & Heather and the kids were here too, tho' they had to drive home tonight. We went to Niagara Falls today -- it was cloudy today and rainy and we got WET (both from the rain & the Maid of the Mist). Carter really loved it.

Kristi said...

So fun! Sorry you had to work so hard, but thank you for everything! We had a great time!

Jana said...

Looks like you all had lots of fun. How fun to have so many visitors. I hope Jake's job is going well. Love and miss you!

Casey and Kristi said...

You guys have so much fun down there!! I love seeing all your pictures. Your daughter is a doll.