Thursday, January 28, 2010

Our quick trip home!

Sorry I tried posting this on my phone but for some reason it didn't quite work. We had to make an unexpected trip back to Idaho last Friday. Jake's Grandpa had a heart attack and had gone into a coma, it wasn't looking very good and we were very blessed by wonderful family members, that we were able to hop on a plane to be able to go say our Goodbye's. Well we had been told that it didn't look good and we packed for a funeral. When we got there the next day Grandpa was starting to move a little bit and react somewhat to people in the room. By the second day he had opened his eyes, was breathing on his own and talking a little. It was such a miracle all of our prayers were answered. It turned out to be a pretty awesome little trip when we had expected it to be a very sad one. We had Jake's birthday while we were there and didn't have a camera so I have a few pictures on my phone but that is it. Addi had the most wonderful trip, me, Jake and Brielle stayed with Oma at her house and so that left lots of one on one time for Addi and her Grandma Terry. Needless to say it was a very sad Goodbye, Addi cried and cried through the entire take off of our flight telling me, "I don't want to go home I want to stay with Grandma Terry because I Love her." We got home at 1:00am Tuesday night and the next morning Addi threw herself in bed with me bawling "i'm never going to see Grandma Terry again." She is a little dramatic! I guess we are the cruel parents that take Grandkids away from their Grandparents, I knew they say that kids end up hating their parents I just thought I would have at least until she was a teenager before she decided to hate us!! We were so thankful to be able to be home with Grandpa Hunt while he recovered a bit but it was a very short trip and we already miss everyone!


Ray and Donna Hamblin said...

We LOVED seeing you!! So happy that Jake's Grandpa is doing better, even if it did mean a quick trip home for all of you. Hope your flight went well and that things are OK at home. We send hugs and kisses!!!

Katie said...

Best post ever. Short and sweet. Although, Corgin was sad that he didn't get to see pictures.

Kristi said...

"Im never going to see Addi again!!"

Melissa said...

So glad to hear that Jake's grandpa is okay. I'm glad to have you back in Florida but I do understand missing family! =)