Friday, October 10, 2008

A few words from Jake

Alright. So I saw that Tess hadn't posted anything in a little while, and I thought I'd throw something up on this here blog-thing. Yesterday we went to Publix (a large grocery store chain) to pick up a few things, and we were walking around checking out the bakery (mmmm...flavored breads...) and an elderly gentleman tapped me on the shoulder and said "Young man, you have a very nice-looking family" and I said, "Thank you, sir" and he went on his way.

It reminded me how grateful I am to have my family here with me. I would be lost without Tess and Addi. There is nothing like coming home every evening after a long day of course work to Addi running up to me and saying, "Daddy! Ugs [hugs]!" and wrapping her little arms around my neck! Tess won't tell you this, but she has been getting better as a cook and home-maker every day and makes our home a great place to come home to. I love her so much! Our little family has grown in so many awesome ways since we've been here on our own, and I know it's because we're all we've got.

We also love the ward and the stake here. We got invited over to the Stake President's home (which was beautiful!) for the Sunday Afternoon session of General Conference. Where does that happen? He and his family were so kind to us and we're so lucky to be in a place where members really reach out to you and make you feel at home.

Anyway, I've rambled on for too long. But I'm so grateful to be here at Rollins. The staff/faculty are amazing. I have so many more opportunities to get involved and experience amazing things than I would anywhere else. My family is amazing, and I love them more than ever. And...I think that about does it. Thanks for everything, you guys! Feel free to call anytime if you think we're neglecting you. I promise it's not on purpose!

Love you all,



Ray and Donna Hamblin said...

Hoorah! for Jake -- getting in there and posting some wonderful comments about Tess and Addi and all the things that's happening to you. It is a humbling and bonding experience to be off on your own, and so far away from family. We know it's not easy -- hang in there and love and appreciate each other all the time. We are getting so excited to think you are actually coming to see us and this awesome place -- we can hardly wait!
Love you LOTS and LOTS. Grandma

Kristi said...

Thanks for the new post Jac-o-rama bama!! Tess has been kinda slacking (Post wise), she must have been so busy with all the cooking and house cleaning. Ha! Anyway, loved your comments...just wish you didn't live in FLORIDA!! But maybe I'll like it better after I visit there! See ya!

Ray and Donna Hamblin said...

We love your blog, but PLEASE change the light blue background and the white writing so we can read it a little easier!!!
Maybe it's just our OLD eyes, but we'd still appreciate it.
We're on the "COUNT DOWN" -- only 5 more days!
Love Ya' See you soon.