Saturday, August 16, 2008

Addi Like Talky

Addi's a big fan of the phone. We'll have her call her grandparents, and when they pick up she just jabbers away for as long as we'll let her. She'll give a whole explanation of her day, which sounds like a bunch of grunts followed by a single word. "Mmmm...mmm....Dora" and "Mmmm....mmm....mmmm Momma" are the most frequently heard statements. And when it's time to say "buh-bye", we have to pry the phone away. She refuses to say goodbye and she screams like the devil when we take the phone. It's a crack up.


Amanda said...

Oh my gosh!! She is so dang cute... I am sitting here, just tearing up looking at all these pictures and missing you all like crazy!! Please give addi a HUGE hug and kiss for me and say "danda" loves her and so does "brusis" and "Iyan"! Love you two! I'm working on getting our blog up soon! Love you and talk to you soon!

Katie said...

Oooh, that is so cute! Made me laugh. Hope you guys are having fun.

K Lind said...

Oh my gosh! What a cutie!

Kristi said...

That was great! She was so cute singing ee-i, ee-i, oh...and just talking on the phone!! She is growing up already, and you haven't even been there a month!! Why oh why did you have to move to FLORIDA??!!

Amanda said...

Tess, that makes me so happy that she hasn't forgotten me!! Her little phone call last night made my WHOLE week! Seriously!! Any time she wants to talk on the phone, you know who to dial for her!! I am in love with your kitchen Tess, and I'm glad it's big! You NEED a big kitchen!! Tell Jakey hi, and talk to you soon!! ( oh... and LOVE the table! You were right when you said it was amazing!)