Friday, August 1, 2008

Arrived Safetly!!

As you already know My Dad and Jake took off a few days earlier than Addi and me so they could drive all of our stuff to florida and I just got those pictures.  My dad took a lot of time off of work to come and help Jake drive so that I wouldn't have to and we were so thankful for that help it sure took some stress off of me so when I got into Florida Wednesday night my new apartment was a little more homier than I had expected. Thank you Dad I love you.

They boys decided they had enough driving by the time they hit Nashville so they decided to have a bit of a look around and have a little fun.

We wish Ben Folds was coming to Orlando instead of Nashville!!!!!!


Trisha said...

When do we get to see pictures of Florida and the new apartment?

K Lind said...

Yeah! I'm glad you all made it safely! Have fun down there and stay cool!

Ray and Donna Hamblin said...

Who's that handsome driver?? I'm glad you have such a good Dad -- he always helps you lots. I think he's a pretty good guy -- besides being my favorite son-in-law! HA!

Jake's pose if hilarious!!