Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Time Out!

So we decided since Addi's getting older and smarter, that she was going to do her time out's in the corner but to our surprise when she got in trouble the other day and we told her to go to the corner we couldn't keep a straight face when she ran and plastered her nose and body in the corner and cried.  Somedays...... 


Kristi said...

That is just hilarious! I laughed till I cried! Addi in the corner, with her nose in the crack! Silly, but cute.

K Lind said...

What a cutie pie!

Ray and Donna Hamblin said...

What a hoot!!! This is priceless!! Good Mom & Dad to figure out such a good "Time Out" activity. HA!
She is darling, even in "time out"!

Miss you, miss you, miss you!

Hugs & Kisses,
from Grandma & Grandpa Hamblin