Friday, August 22, 2008

It's STILL storming!!

So Tropical Storm Fay (not Hurricane) came a little later than we thought, it was supposed to hit us on Monday night so we thought for sure that it had missed us when it still hadn't hit by Wednesday morning but to our surprise it started down pouring and blowing so hard by Wednesday night it took out our power for the night, luckily it came back up by the next morning, because our apartment was getting pretty warm without power for the air conditioning. The news said that we have gotten 16 inches of rain so far and it is still pouring this morning so we are sure to get more. I wanted to get a picture of the flooding in the streets but I am too wussy to go outside in that storm, one county over from us the news showed that people were actually kayaking in the streets and they are evacuating people because the alligators were coming out of their habitats into the streets because there is so much water. So I think Addi and I will stay safely inside for awhile. We felt really bad for Jake today when we had to send him out in the storm to start school today, all the schools are closed except for the private schools so oh well. I took some video but the rain and wind doesn't show up that well so it hard to see how it really is down here, but the the wind is blowing so hard that it just keeps snapping tree limbs off of the trees and I still jump every time.


Kristi said...

Pretty cool pictures...glad that you survived, Ha! The newsmen always make it seem WAY worse, since they go outside to take their videos and you can see and hear the rain and wind, but your window shot was just fine! Jake should have made the noises, "Whoosh," "Crack," "Plllllllllllsh" That would have been neat!

Katie said...

So, I guess that Florida can't always be beaches and sunshine. But hopefully the storm will pass soon and you guys can get back to the easy life. I love that you can hear Addi in the background of the video. It's cute. And tell Jake good luck with school. We miss you guys! Welp, see ya later.

A said...

Hey Tanessa, it's been like a million years since I've seen you during good ol Trouveres. Crazy how we've all grown up, right? I added you to my blog list-hope that's alright. I love keeping up on people. Your daughter is so cute!

JoSue said...

Hello Larsens!! This is JoSue (Nelson) Rudd! I have seen a couple pictures of your family on Amanda's facebook and am so glad to have found your blog! Your little Addi is adorable. I love the blog and think it is so exciting that you moved to Florida. Jake, what are you going to school for? I tried to find it but couldn't. Hope all is well. Our blog is Best of luck!